$97.00 USD

Flip Your Berg Launch Party - Early Access DEAL!

$697.00 USD $97.00 USD

One Time, Debut Discount - Includes exclusive LIFETIME access to all future 'Berg content and allows you VIP membership. 

Offer Valid until 1/31/24 

All The Tools You Need To Flip Your Own Berg & Focus On YOU!

What you'll get:

  • Access to Part One of the Explorer Series Video Course - 3 modules of short, easily digestible videos on the important deep dive areas. Just under 2 hours worth of thought provoking content
  • Free download of the debut novel in the Series: Under the Surface: Who Am I... Really?
  • Exclusive Invitation to the FYB VIP Facebook Group - which features Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Sessions, Monthly Masterclass & FYB community forums
  • Access to downloadable resources to help you organize your exploration
  • First access to upcoming courses & updates on novels in the series